Feb 26·edited Feb 26Liked by Sangram Vajre

I've had similar thoughts about this lately. I keep coming back to love vs. attachment. If I love what I do, I get to "Be" first which inevitably provides me with what I need or have. If it starts with the 'need' then I'm attached to it from the wrong place. The entrepreneurial journey has taught me that you can make money from both but only one feels in alignment with my values. And frankly, the 'love or attachment' mindset can create a culture that impacts people and their families for better or worse. It seems to start with the self awareness of the leadership / founders.

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Feb 25Liked by Sangram Vajre

Awesome read Sangram. I am definitely going to adopt this mindset, so good.

Another great way to think about it but from the lens of seeing others is see who they can become through the Lord’s eyes

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Feb 25Liked by Sangram Vajre

Had to read it a few times! Profound thinking!

We live in a hustle culture where speed, growth and material success is what matters. We acquire more things and get on a hedonic treadmill - a notion that pleasures always, eventually, taper off and need to be replaced by new pleasures if one wishes to maintain a certain degree of happiness....

I love what Dave Ramsey said " “We buy things we don't need with money we don't have to impress people we don't like.”

To a great week ahead!

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