Sitemap - 2023 - Becoming Intentional

week 85: you are, who you say you are

week 84: what happens when you keep showing up?

week 83: how to burn less "brain" calories

week 82: work fast, not hard

week 81: running a business like a product

week 80: here's how you decide when to work in or out of the box

week 79: you can be busy and not be in business

week 78: think projects and not careers

week 77: show and tell

week 76: my team is not my family but...

week 75: people don’t make decisions unless they have to

week 74: do you lead with facts or feelings?

week 73: be prepared or live in despair

week 72: living in possibilities, not certainties

week 71: who are you paying attention to?

week 70: one problem per week please

week 69: not by default but by design

week 68: think assignments not punishments

week 67: your season sets your pace

week 66: connect and not correct

week 65: are you acting or playing?

week 64: how i wrote 3 books and how can you too

week 63: make hard decisions... early

week 62: it's not what you can get done but rather what you can let go

week 61: Context switching - the hardest skill to learn

week 60: how do you make decisions?

week 59: the enemy is not time, it's time management

week 58: position or be positioned

week 57 - focus on small commitments and not big ideas

week 56: i have been doing this for 4 years

week 55: Always be a customer zero

week 54: say "i get to" instead of "i have to"

week 53: ashamed but redeemed

week 52: this is the week you decide the fate of this series

week 51: my CRM is my whiteboard

week 50: lessons from 7 days off the grid

week 49: Peace that surpasses all understanding

week 48: this blew my mind

week 47: why travel and hire in twos

week 46: i screwed up

week 45: Without competition your business is dead

Week 44: Play 6 - Community-led growth is faster then investor-led growth

Week 43: Love, not like mindset

Week 42: play 5 -Create a market movement

Week 41: play 4 - Become a Guide and create a standard

Week 40: play 3 - Find your lane of genius

week 39: Play 2 - your point of view is your strategy

week 38: Play 1: Redefine the problem and a rap

week 37: 10 go-to-market principles that helped to get to million in 9 months

Week 36: zero to million in 9 months, again!